The incident came barely 24 hours after a similar incident occurred at Ogudu area of the state on Wednesday, in which two teenagers, a girl and a boy lost their lives when a building collapsed on them. Tragedy struck again in the early hours on Thursday, when a storey building at No 3 Sadiku Street, Alaggba, Iyana Ipaja, suddenly collapsed during a heavy downpour leaving scores injured in the process. The storey building which collapsed partially on Thursday consisted of 8 rooms, 23 shops and 1store. The prompt intervention by the emergency responders to scene saved some injured occupants who were a later taken hospital for treatment. Director-General of LASEMA, Dr Femi Oke-Osanyintolu, who confirmed the unfortunate incident, said it occurred around 11 am. According to Oke-Osanyintolu, no life was lost in the tragedy. He explained, “Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, it was discovered that a storey building consisting of 8 rooms, 23 shops and 1 store had partia...
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