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Showing posts with the label HIV

Health Expert Urges FG To Invest in HIV Prevention.

Health e xperts has called on the federal government of Nigeria and other stakeholders to invest more in effort to prevent HIV infection. HIV prevention intervention team while advocating for supportive policy and programmes,  made the call at a media roundtable organised by AVAC Fellow 2020 in partnership with the Journalists Alliance for AIDS, JAAIDS on the role of media in HIV prevention advocacy with the theme: “Advocating for supportive policy and programmes for effective HIV prevention interventions”. The Key Population Advisor, Heartland Alliance, Mr. Michael said they were funding gaps for interventions needed by the majority while interventions needed by fewer are funded most. “ We need more investment in prevention in order to match our investment in treatment because we cannot leave people to be getting infested and we are much more interested in putting money in treating them, so we need to move towards investment in prevention,” he said. The Executive Director, JAAIDS,...