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Showing posts with the label US president

Resign Now! Joe Biden To The U.S Attorneys

  According to reports, Joe Biden and the Department Of Justice have asked U.S. attorneys appointed by former President Trump to resign from their posts by the end of the month. A senior Biden administration official on Tuesday said that 56 U.S. attorneys have until Feb. 28 to resign. In a statement, the acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson said, "We are committed to ensuring a seamless transition.'' "Until U.S. Attorney nominees are confirmed, the interim and acting leaders in the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices will make sure that the department continues to accomplish its critical law enforcement mission, vigorously defend the rule of law, and pursue the fair and impartial administration of justice for all."

WTO - U.S President Joe Biden Endorses Okonjo Iweala

  The U.S President and his administration on Friday gave their vote of confidence to Nigeria’s Ngozi Okonjo Iweala to lead the World Trade Organisation - WTO, clearing a path for her to become the organization’s first female and first African leader. The move marks another sharp split with former president Donald Trump who paralyzed the organisation and opposed the candidacy of the former Nigerian finance minister who was backed by many other countries. The US Trade Representative in a statement cited her “wealth