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Showing posts with the label phone tracking

The Pros and Cons Of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

                Written by                Jack -  Guest author Contact tracing apps seem to be the new fad. Their popularity is also one that comes on the back of a series of unfortunate events. They seem to hold another approach to fighting the menace of a disease that has claimed no less than 400,000 lives worldwide. The widespread race to get these apps working can also be attributed to the coming together of two big names in tech, Apple and Google, to make the frameworks for such apps happen. Like every other thing, though, how does the scales tip in favor of, or against, these apps? The Case for Contact Tracing Apps In April alone, the US people lost more jobs than the economy had been able to gain in about a combined decade. More unemployment claims are filed daily, while companies do not take their staff out of furlough anytime soon. Businesses are folding up daily, too, especially those still paying running costs (rent, electricity, etc.) even though they are not opening and s

Is ZOOM Now The Number One Video Teleconferencing Service?

Video Teleconferencing service, Zoom, announced that the platform now has more than 300 million daily active meeting participants. Zoom CEO Eric S. Yuan, last month shared that the company had hit 200 million daily active meeting participants. That means the company has added more than 100 million users in roughly three weeks' time. Previously, Zoom reported that it had a total of 10 million users at the end of December 2019.This incredible stat was shared during a company webinar with Zoom CEO Yuan and later detailed on the company’s website.

Have You Seen The New Australian COVIDSAFE APP?

The Australian government's new coronavirus contact tracing app which was released on Sunday, was downloaded 1million times in just 5 hours of launch, that is, approximately 1 out of every 25 Australians is using the app.   COVIDSafe  uses Bluetooth to connect with other phones within 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) which also have the app installed. If they are in contact for over 15 minutes (fiftheen minutes), the app records data such as the date, time, contact distance and duration, and the other user's encrypted identification code. This information is stored on the user's phone for 21 days, after which it is automatically deleted.